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Kathy Reynolds CPC

Relational Recovery Coach and Intensive Program Coordinator, Daring Ventures

About this speaker

Kathy is a Master Certified Professional Coach who works with partners of sex addicts and couples. She is also the Intensive Coordinator for Daring Ventures. She is the founder of Recalibrate Coaching and has trained under Dr. Barbara Steffens in the APSATS Multidimensional Partner Trauma Model. Kathy is skilled in facilitating disclosures as both the betrayed partner and the couple's support team. Kathy also provides couples coaching together as a team with her husband, Conrad.

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The Four Drivers of Addictive Behaviors

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Ten Tools For Better Relationships

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Boundaries: Control vs. Consent

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Adult Children of Sex Addicts: Hidden Effects On Those in the Periphery

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Understanding Commitment As a Foundational Component to Recovery

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